With Twitter becoming one of the most popular and versatile social networking platforms for businesses to connect with their audiences, the traditional Twitter engagement strategy has undergone a significant transformation. As a result, Twitter is one of the leading players in social media marketing.
Twitter incorporates new and useful features into its platform with time, making it increasingly more valuable to brand managers and digital marketers. With more than 321 million active monthly users, Twitter is a platform that marketers and businesses can benefit from being a part of.
Engaging Your Audience on Twitter
Follow a Schedule for Tweeting
Timing is the most crucial of all factors that determine your Tweet’s performance and the number of people that engage with it. The platform witnesses an average of 350,000 tweets every day. It is essential to send out your Tweets at the right times, when people are active, to increase your visibility.
Sprout examined more than 20,000 content pieces to analyze the changes in engagement based on timing. As per findings, the best times to put up your posts on Twitter are around mid-week and mid-day. Factors including industry and location should be taken into account when deciding what time to post. Try different timings for publishing your Tweets to see which time works best.
Be Creative With Your Content
It is important to remember that creative development and effective content don’t happen overnight. It takes time, which means that it is wise to explore creative development and content in the initial phases of your strategy. Be as creative as you can without getting too carried away. While it’s vital to get started with messaging, you do not have to wait until it is finalized to begin your creative process. Start putting out unique and thoughtful content according a regular schedule, and traffic will surely follow.
Use Trending Hashtags
Trending hashtags form a vital part of your Twitter engagement strategy. You generally expect a Tweet to be followed by at least one hashtag. Not only can trending hashtags offer the advantage of a relevant audience being able to locate you when you search for the hashtag that you’re using, but they can also enhance engagement rates.
Tweets using trending hashtags can witness a 1,065% increase in total engagements. There is a 33% higher chance of them being retweeted as opposed to those without them. This makes complete sense given the convenience of Twitter culture. Using trending hashtags in your tweets will give you the opportunity to appear on top of conversations and generate buzz.
Respond to Tweets Where Your Brand is Tagged
Responding to tagged Tweets can be particularly challenging for brands that have high levels of engagement. Nevertheless, doing your best to respond to user tweets can go a long way.
Sending out an actual response in a Tweet is an effective and powerful Twitter marketing strategy, especially if the user has tagged or tweeted you in a post. It can generate a lot of conversation if someone asks you a question, shares an opinion, or thanks you. When upset customers or criticism is involved, make sure that you respond as soon as you can. Make it a priority. Responding to tagged tweets will encourage customers to engage with your posts and brand in the future.
Twitter is an Excellent Source of Brand Engagement
our brand can achieve significant levels of growth on Twitter with just a few minor adjustments and the tips discussed above. Every Twitter engagement strategy mentioned above is free – all it requires is some extra time and adjustment to the content that you might be creating for Twitter already.